Senior Farm Share at Intervale Community Farm
Summer Tuesdays are special days at our Farm. Each week, ICF farmer Sarah Howe packs a selection of produce for 274 households living in sixteen senior housing sites in Burlington and nearby communities. In the more than 20 years since the program began, ICF has supplied local participants with over 3000 10-week shares!
The Senior Farm Share program is a collaborative effort between the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT) and the Vermont Department of Aging and Independent Living, with funding from the US Department of Agriculture, aiming to get high quality fresh produce direct from Vermont farms to Vermont seniors by delivering mini-CSA shares during the summer.
Sarah notes, "Everyone is so grateful for this food, and we love to provide tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables we have learned are appreciated. "
As a bonus, once each summer each participant also receives a bouquet of fresh flowers cut and arranged by long time Board and Farm member Bonnie Acker. "Making up each bouquet, I'm always thinking about the joy it will bring to someone. A few years back one of the seniors sent a note, 'Thank you dear farmers. This was the first time in my life that I ever received fresh flowers.' I will think of that gratefulness forever."