Flood Abbreviates Summer Share
Based on crop losses suffered last weekend (see Farmer Becky's 10/7 post and slideshow, 'Flood Devastates Fall Crops'), we will end the 2010 summer share one week early. Final 2010 pick-ups will be Monday, October 25th, and Thursday, October 28th. All make-up shares and make-up supplemental products will need to be redeemed by that time. The silver lining is that we've had a great season in 2010. We have yet to crunch the numbers for the summer share, but our estimate is that we will find the value of produce distributed at our above our annual average. While we are sorely missing our eagerly anticipated Brussels sprouts, Napa cabbage, and late fall broccoli, the memory of bountiful tomatoes, delicious cantaloupe and abundant salad greens may soften our collective wince.