Who We Are

Staff and Board

Intervale Community Farm has five full-time, year-round employees and a part-time year-round bookkeeper/administrator. The remaining staff members are seasonal employees, with some experienced returnees serving in key roles. We have eleven full-time staff in the summer, plus a couple experienced part-timers. Training aspiring farmers is one of the goals of ICF, and education about farming is part of achieving this.

2024 Farm Staff

Back row (left to right): Georgia McDougall, Maya Bower, Will Pearl, Emma McKee, Molly Meehan, Bella Palmieri, Cal McCullough, Aly Martelle, Kathie Sullivan

Front row (left to right): Andy Jones, Phoebe Weller, Lilly Drufva, Mac Cruickshank, Colin Swanson.




    Aly started working at the Intervale Community Farm in 2007. She began as extra help for weeding and harvesting and worked longer and longer each season until the Winter Share program at ICF expanded and full time year round work opened up. Aly jumps into many projects on the farm but focuses on the CSA, propagation greenhouse, wholesale, washing, packing, gleaning and donations, field work, harvest, winter growing and working with the crew. She loves food and the connection we all make through growing and eating together!



    Andy has managed Intervale Community Farm since 1993. While Andy relishes planting, weeding and harvesting, his true love at ICF are the CSA members and staff that keep the farm a vibrant part of the local community. He also values ICF's partnerships with other farmers, researchers, service providers and advocates working for a just and sustainable food system. Away from the farm, Andy loves to hike, cook, ski, and enjoy the company of his wife Helen Rock and sons Davis and Ian.







    Cal is generally in charge of keeping Intervale Community Farm's clattery things clattering. He moved from Pittsburgh to Vermont in 2023, where he briefly worked at the local Ford dealership. However, Cal found the community lacking and decided to pack up his toolbox in search of greener pastures. At work, he can often be found fumbling around under a tractor or chatting happily with a coworker. Outside of work, Cal is an avid sailor, a skilled photographer, an unskilled ultimate player, and a coffee enthusiast. Whenever arugula is on the farm, he can be seen enjoying it in fistfuls straight out of the ground.





    Georgia joined the crew at ICF in 2021 and she is thrilled to have the opportunity to work at such an impressive farm. This fall she will start her third year at UVM studying Agroecology with a minor in chemistry. Previously, she worked on a diversified vegetable farm in her hometown of Granby, CT. Georgia is looking forward to having some more farm friends to grow and talk food with! Off the farm, she loves to cook, bake, tend to her fermentation station, drink coffee and throw pottery.



    Emma graduated from Middlebury College and tells us "I majored in Environmental Justice and minored in Gender Studies. Some of my hobbies include sketching wildflowers, swimming in cold rivers, baking fresh sourdough, and playing in the mountains. While I was at Middlebury, I worked on a couple different diversified veggie farms in Addison County. I just got back from WWOOFing in Southern Spain and I’m super excited to move back to Vermont and join the ICF team.”



    Kathie joined ICF in 2010 as the new bookkeeper/membership manager/social media manager after being a part of the farm as a member since 2000. Her background as a teacher, law librarian, and information manager fits nicely with the work of managing the farm’s 600-plus members and helping members navigate through the workings of the farm. Kathie is a native Vermonter and enjoys gardening and growing vegetables at her home in Essex Junction, where she lives with her wife, Alison, and two cats Dooley and Grasshopper.



    Maya has worked at the Intervale Community Farm since 2016. She is involved in many corners of the farm, from fertility planning and application, to irrigation, building projects, field work and harvest. Maya graduated from the University of Vermont in 2019 with a B.S. in Ecological Agriculture, and has had her hands in the soil since she can remember. When not at ICF, Maya enjoys biking on the dirt roads of Vermont, and hiking in the Green Mountains. 



board of directors

Different from most CSAs, Intervale Community Farm is a consumer cooperative governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership at its annual meeting. In conjunction with the Farm Manager, the Board sets the overall goals of the organization and the Farm Manager is then charged with achieving those ends using appropriate means. Overall, the system functions well, with the membership involved at the governance level and the staff charged with all operations. The Board of Directors exists to represent the interests of the ICF membership. This member-elected group wants to hear what you think!







    Abha joined ICF’s CSA in 2014 and became elected to the board in 2024. Her career experiences include agricultural field research, outreach education, commercial specialty crop production, and is currently a horticulturist for CANNA, a fertilizer and medium supplier. Abha loves being able to share ICF’s wonderful connection to food with her kiddo and working to preserve and grow ICF by being on the board. She loves nature walks, yoga, skiing, music, and quality time with friends and family.





    Jacob has been a part of ICF since moving to Burlington in 2016.  His work has focused on empowering individuals and groups through stewardship and personal connection with the natural world. Jacob works as a special projects educator with UVM Extension 4 H, he serves as the board president for Branch Out Burlington, and he founded and leads Juneberry Landscapes, on a mission to grow edible, native, resilient gardens, farms, and landscapes. 





    Mieko has been an ICF member since 2017 and joined the board in 2021. She lives in the New North End with her husband and daughter, who enjoy their summer pick-ups, especially opportunities to pick flowers and strawberries in the field. Mieko is a small business advocate and cofounder of Vermont Womenpreneurs, a network of women-led and owned- businesses. Additionally, she is an agricultural advocate serving on the NOFA-VT board, Leahy Institute for Rural Partnerships Advisory Board, and Farm to Plate Steering Committee, speaking from her experience working with direct markets, particularly farmers markets.





    Mark has been a member of the ICF since 1998 and was first elected to the Board in 2015. He loves the cooperative nature of the farm. Mark spent a 26-year career as a research forester and ecologist with the USDA Forest Service.  Other careers he had in earlier years included stage carpentry, custom woodworking, co-op cheese and grain buyer, and jewelry-maker.  He wants to do his part to ensure that the farm’s employees are adequately paid, to help the farm address challenges from climate change such as flooding, to promote racial equity in the farm’s operations, and to improve board-staff relationships.