Our Crew
Employment at ICF
Thank you for your interest! Please see the job description document below for details. we expect to hire one longer season april-may through october position and one or two SuMMER positions in 2025.
ICF typically hires 1-3 new people for the outdoor growing season. Most positions start in April or May and run through October or November. We often hire one or two people on a late May to late August schedule as well.
At summer peak, ICF’s team consists of around 14 people. As a group, we have a lot of experience and take crop production seriously. That said, ICF strives to provide fair compensation, a rewarding working environment, and reasonable work expectations. Inclusion, empowerment, and robust communication underpin our work.
Read through the full job description below for more details and instructions on how to apply. Prior vegetable farm experience required. BIPOC, women, and queer & trans folks strongly encouraged to apply