Why Choose Intervale Community Farm?

Intervale Community Farm provides our CSA share members with a diverse array of fresh, local, certified-organic produce. In business since 1990, we pride ourselves on a strong production track record coupled with one of the best places to visit in Burlington.

Intervale Community Farm is different than most CSAs in the region. If you are considering ICF for the first time, here are a few things you might want to know.

Community-supported agriculture is our business.

And always has been. While we dabble in a small amount of local wholesale, our focus is delivering a top-notch CSA share. “Consistently one our favorite things about Burlington”, opined a long-time member on a recent survey.

ICF is here for you to enjoy.

All of our CSA distribution happens at the farm in the Intervale. Only 5 minutes from downtown by car (and not much more by bicycle), ICF is an all-season destination. We have a beautiful landscape with flowers, herbs, and other things to pick, activities and space for children, and are located in some of the best cycling, walking, and nordic skiing territory in the area. You can visit the farm any time, whether to harvest pick-your-own crops, walk around the fields, or play in the sandbox.

ICF provides great value.

Affordability has been a strong concern of ours since we began. Members consistently get well over 25% more value in produce than the cost of a share. We also offer a 33% discount to members who qualify.

Your priorities are our priorities.

We are a member-owned farm, organized as a consumer cooperative. You reap the benefits of bounty as well as share in the risk. Interested in becoming a member-owner? Learn more.

We strive for flexibility.

We know that you have busy lives. Intervale Community Farm is flexible on many fronts, to allow you to better enjoy the farm and fully utilize your CSA share. We offer three summer share sizes to choose from to suit your diet, household, and budget. You can choose your produce from among several options, allowing you to go home with what you want to eat. Unable to make it for your regular Monday CSA pickup? Come Thursday instead, or have us bag it up for a late night or morning pick up. Away on vacation? Make it up a different week. Need a payment plan? Can do.


For more nuts and bolts, check out the Summer and Winter Member Guides.