Supported Shares
Intervale Community Farm maintains an internally-funded program that reduces the cost of CSA shares by about 1/3 for members with qualifying incomes. In over 25 years of the program, over 1000 CSA shares have been sold at these reduced rates, and our program has become a model for other CSAs around Vermont and the country. ICF offers Small, Medium, and Large Supported Summer Shares as well as Supported Winter Shares.
Supported share members may use EBT/3 Squares Vermont to pay for their CSA share.. We expect that most participants will spread their payments over the length of the share.
Aside from fulfilling eligibility requirements and have a different payment structure, Supported Shares are exactly like other Summer & Winter shares regarding access and selection of vegetables, participation in ICF events, and so forth.
Do I qualify for a Supported Share?
Eligibility is based on the same income standards as programs such as 3SquaresVT, WIC, etc.
If your household qualifies, select the supported share option on your CSA sign-up form. We will get in touch with you with more information.
If you have questions, contact Kathie Sullivan at kathie@intervalecommunityfarm.com.
Other Programs to Consider
We offer a limited number of our supported shares each season and often can’t fill all of the requests we receive. We work with several other organizations in the area to improve access to healthy food. Take a look and see if any of these options is a fit for you!
NOFA-VT: Farm Share Programs
We are proud to participate in two programs administered by NOFA-VT. Follow the links below to learn more!
The Intervale Center: Fair Share
The Gleaning & Food Rescue Program gleans and rescues fresh vegetables from Intervale farms and farms in Chittenden County. The Fair Share Program distributes this food, every week from July - October, at no cost, to 200 households and 20 social service agencies.
City Market: Food for All
The Food for All program at City Market is a discount program designed to increase food access for low-income Vermonters.