Water, water, water
OK, we all know it's been wet. Maybe the wettest recorded May & June in Burlington. And July hasn't exactly been arid, either. That said, up until now we've been feeling pretty fortunate about our crops: salad mix has been great, zucchini and cucumbers have begun to pump out fruit, and the tomatoes are coming in. Even the strawberries weren't as bad as we'd feared.
This morning, though, the Winooski river sloshed into our back fields and ruined some of our crops. Onions are the chief loss; we are as yet uncertain as to what replanting we may be able to do. Pick-your-own herbs are closed for now. Most of our other losses are things that we'll likely be able to replace with acceptable substitutes. You can still look forward to some nice pickups next week, since most of our crops are unflooded, though eagerly anticipating drier weather like most of us!