2014 Summer Share: Last Dates and Survey

Fall has arrived, it's time to pack summer away. Reminder: the last dates for the 2014 Summer Share Pick-ups will be November 3 and November 6, 3:00-6:30 p.m.

We'd like to get your thoughts on the season!  Please take a couple of minutes to complete the survey on your experiences by going here. (You can complete a paper copy of this survey at the 2014 Annual Meeting on October 25 or at your pick-up beginning next week.)

Also, don't forget to sign up for a 2014-15 Winter Share here. There's no reason to feel panicky about the change in seasons; we have plenty of veggies for your soups, stews, and breads. And we'll be growing green things in the new hoop houses!

Thanks for a successful summer season!


It Was a Great Season!


2014-2015 Winter Shares: Sign-up Now