Summer Share Start Dates?
The single most frequent question at this time of year is "When do the summer shares start?" We appreciate your enthusiasm and excitement: it's hard not to be excited with the good weather, watching the calendar, and seeing the pictures of farm activity. But as much as we want the fresh spring vegetables, everything depends on the weather.
While we have prepped the tractors, we are not able to plow fields just yet. The greenhouse plants are popping, but they are nowhere near ready to go in the ground. It's not quite warm enough for the plants to emerge from the greenhouses.
The best we can tell you is that we aim for early June as the start of our 22 week season. You'll get an email notice about 10 days before the scheduled pick-ups. In the meantime, you'll see more frequent communications as we take orders for supplemental products, clarify your pick-up day, and send you planting updates. We'll also post the news here and on our Facebook page.
Stay strong, it will be June before you know it!