13th Annual Plant Sale

Our 13th Annual Plant Sale will be on May 7, 14, and 21 this year. From 9 a.m. to noon on each Saturday, you will have the opportunity to buy annual starts for your personal gardening pleasure. In addition, we will have a variety of vegetable plants (the same ones we grow for the CSA) for your home experiments!  Try growing a kale or a chard plant for fun. Have your own sungold cherry tomato plant on your porch! Despite enjoying the bounty of produce from the farm, I always have a few plants at home to enjoy for the greenery as well as the enjoyment of picking sungold "candy" whenever I want. I grew chard and kale last year for the first time. This year I'll be trying cold hardy options such as cabbage, brussels sprouts, and broccoli. We will also have plants available for sale at our final two winter pick-ups on May 12 and 19.

Join us for a pre-season event and adopt a plant or six.

Plant Sale 5


So Much Going On in May


New Issue of Bottom Land News