Summer Shares Start June 6 & 9
Usually when we announce the start of our summer shares we have had a long, cold winter and we are anxious for green things. Not so this year...The Winter that Wasn't. And due to the year round use of the Harnois hoop houses, we had baby lettuce, arugula, spinach and baby kale throughout the winter (at least one of these crops every week.) It was a very special winter share this year. We are both pleased and sad to tell you we are sold out for this summer! Pleased because it means our farm is robust and thriving, sad because we can't accept new members who are hearing good things about us. We know many of the new members this year heard about us via word-of-mouth, so thank you for sharing with your circles.
This year we are serving over 600 families!
Please be sure to sign up for alerts to our blog and watch our page weekly to find out which crops are ready each week.
We are excited to get going and see you all!