Annual Meeting of the ICF Co-op is September 16

ICF Annual Meeting, Board Elections, and Community Picnic
Sunday, September 16th
 4:00-6:30 p.m.

 Intervale Center Community Barn
180 Intervale Road
(Summervale location)

Please note the change of location and our usual day/time.
We're trying something new for our 25th annual pot luck.


Please join the Intervale Community Farm board and staff members for an afternoon of food, fun, and celebration of ICF. We are trying something new this year, moving our late autumn potluck and annual meeting much earlier and having it outside.  ICF will provide lots of fresh food, delicious vegetables from the grill, and we will also enjoy the amazing potluck dishes contributed by the excellent cooks within the ICF membership.  We will have kid and family-friendly activities and games before the meeting, but since the location is largely outside, we will not provide childcare.

The Details

Annual Meeting

Though we are changing locations, we will still have a great meal, a slide show retrospective of 2018 in the Community Barn, and lots of space for kids to run around and play.  Elections for our Board of Directors will commence at this meeting, and run for 2 weeks following the event. 

Intervale Community Farm Board Elections

Intervale Community Farm is governed by a nine-member board of directors, elected to three-year terms by the members of Intervale Community Farm Cooperative.  If you aren’t a member of ICF Co-op, it is easy to join and allows you to automatically renew your CSA share, run for and vote in ICF Board elections, and support the future of Intervale Community Farm.  Three three-year seats will be up for election this fall, with Board terms officially beginning in January 2019.  Incumbents are running for two seats, with one vacant seat up for election.

If you are interested in serving on the Board of ICF, please contact Farm Manager Andy Jones at CSA pickup, via email  or phone, 658-2919 x4. All nominations are due two weeks prior to the meeting, no later than September 2, 2018. All ICF CSA members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but only member-owners in good standing of an ICF Co-op share are permitted to run or vote for the board of directors. The Board election will commence at our September 16, 2018 Annual Meeting, and continue for two weeks thereafter.  For ICF Co-op membership info, please call 658 2919 x1,  go here. or contact Kathie.


Please come even if you are not able to bring a potluck dish – don’t miss out!  For those contributing to the potluck, please bring something according to the following suggested guidelines.  Above all, bring something you love to do with ICF food, even if it departs from this distribution:

Last names beginning with: 
A-H Please bring a main dish
I-O Please bring a salad-like dish
P-Z Please bring a dessert


Please label your potluck dishes and bring a serving utensil if able. We will provide water, dishes, cups, and flatware.

Make a note on your calendar for this fun event, and don’t hesitate to ask the ICF staff if you have any questions.



Gearing Up for Winter: ICF is a Year-Round CSA


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