Fall Activities at ICF: Crop Mob and Pumpkin Day

Yes, the calendar and finally, the weather, tell me it’s fall.

Warm days with sun and light breezes but mild temps mean we are putting on sweaters and hats. Some of us have put on heavier blankets or flannel sheets (but still keep the windows open) to have cozy sleeping.

And some of us are already thinking about new soup recipes and using the oven again.

At the farm, we’re harvesting root crops for late summer distribution and winter storage. The onions are drying, the hoop houses are in the early stages of being turned over to winter production (bok choy and kale seedlings are ready), and we’re pulling crops in from the field.


On September 29, in conjunction with City Market, we’ll have a crop mob. You have the opportunity to be in the fields and help harvest the butternut squash this year. City Market members can earn work hours. Crop mobs are the perfect example of “many hands make light work.” Along with staff, it’s possible to get the entire harvest (or the majority of it) gathered in one morning of work. You can sign up here.

On October 6, from 10-2, you’ll have the opportunity to take a wagon ride to the pumpkin field and select your own pumpkin for carving or eating. This event is always a good time for young and old alike and a good way to experience the farm from ground level. Rain date will be October 7, same time and place. Watch our Facebook page and web site for updates, or call 658-2919 for a message.

Don’t forget: after Fall comes Winter. Sign up for your ICF Winter Share now!


Recap: 2018 Annual Meeting of the ICF Co-op


Crop Mob September 29!