Get Involved with ICF: One Board Member Position is Open

Our annual meeting is early this year, Sept 16, and we'll begin the voting process for open board seats then.

The ICF Board is comprised of 9 members, all serving 3 year terms on a staggered schedule. This year, three positions are open; two incumbents,  Mark Twery and Lis Mickenberg, will be standing for re-election. Robin Berger will be stepping down at the conclusion of her term in December. New terms start in January. 

The ICF Board sets overall policy for the farm using a "policy governance" model and works to achieve the following organizing objectives:

  1. Grow a wide variety of local, organic produce and provide related food products for members of ICF.
  2. Cultivate a thriving farm ecosystem.
  3. Foster a vibrant and interactive community of farmers and eaters.
  4. Provide sustainable and fulfilling jobs for staff.
  5. Benefit the wider community through partnerships, donations, and service.
  6. Make ICF accessible to an economically-diverse membership.

While day-to-day operation and management of the farm falls to the Farm Manager, the ICF Board guides the "big picture."  See more about the work of the board here.

Who can become a board member? Any ICF Co-op Member "in good standing" (co-op membership is up-to-date: either paid in full or current on annual contributions) may contact Andy Jones  (or call Andy at 802-658-2919, ext 4, no later than September 2) to indicate interest in serving on the board. Board members must be able to meet once a month, are encouraged to take part in farm events (such as Pizza Nights, Annual Meeting, other events as scheduled), and should have an interest in supporting the objectives of the co-op (above.) 

If you think you might like to be involved with the ICF Board, write up a short statement about yourself (a biographical sketch, your involvement with ICF, why you want to be considered) and feel free to reach out to current board members about their experiences. They would be happy to hear from you and answer questions.




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