ICF Co-op Member Loan Campaign Nearing Successful Completion

In April, ICF embarked on a co-op member loan campaign to help finance our portion of a shared wash-pack-storage building in the Intervale.  As of now, 20 members of ICF Cooperative have agreed to loan ICF $110,000 of our $120,000 campaign goal.  ICF is thrilled with the participation and support of our co-op member lenders, and we would love to find that last $10,000 before our member loan campaign officially closes out on June 15th.  If you have been considering a member loan, please contact Farm Manager Andy Jones at a pickup or  email Andy (andy@intervalecommunityfarm.com)  For more information on the loan program and the construction project, visit our member loan page here.

If you haven't had the opportunity, you can see the building construction site across the road from our summer pickup area.  Things are about to get very dramatic in the next few weeks.  ICF staff and Board are excited with the new storage and workspace the building will provide, especially the climate controlled areas designed for washing produce throughout the winter months.  We appreciate your support for this project!


Comment on Pedestrian & Cycling Access On Intervale Road


Meet the Summer Staff: Angela deBettencourt