News from the Greenhouse: April
April 7 greenhouse
The propagation greenhouse has been open since the beginning of March so all of the onions have all germinated and are growing nicely. Today, we trimmed the tops and by next week we will move them to one of the hoop houses which serves as our early spring cold frame. By the end of April, they will be in the ground!
We are also busy seeding our early successions of lettuce, herbs, broccoli, cabbage, baby lettuce and kale. The hoop house peppers and tomatoes have all been seeded and potted up. They will stay in the greenhouse until May when the weather is warm enough to plant them in the hoop houses. We have been potting up lots of flower varieties for the PYO cut flower garden and plant sale. Look for some old favorites including Snap Dragons and Rudbeckia plus some new varieties this summer!