Pop-Up Plant Sales at the Last Winter Pick-ups

For the last    15   years we’ve been holding our annual plant sales on Saturday mornings. But who really wants to break up a weekend by running down to the farm to get plant starts when you’re already out and about on a weekday!

This year we’re trying something new. Our last two winter share pick-ups are on May 9 and May 16. We’ll have our plant sale to coincide with the usual 3:00-6:00 pick-up. Everyone is invited to stop by for purchases even if you are not a winter share member.

Instead of (or in addition to) browsing seed catalogs and looking at pictures of flowers, dreaming of your own colorful gardens this spring and summer, you'll want to come to our Annual Plant Sale.

Each year we grow certified organic plants for our CSA shares (herbs, vegetables, and flowers) and we grow enough for you to purchase for your home gardens. Many ICF members grow a few flowers or herbs at home just because it's fun to walk outside their kitchen door and pick something for dinner. Some of us have dreams of larger garden plots but recognize that time and space work against us. I first became a member of ICF when I was living in a home with minuscule space for gardening. That said, I've always had a few pots of something on my porch even with a CSA share.

Come to the last winter share pick-ups to get plant starts, say hello, and join us in welcoming summer!


While Waiting for Summer Shares to Begin in Our 30th Year


Greenhouse Science: Corn + wood = onions