PYO Crops Are Ready!

We're happy to announce that some of the PYO crops are ready to harvest! Before you enjoy the new flavors and beautiful flowers, we'd like to remind you of the PYO Guidelines in place. 

We understand the guidelines require more of your time and extra travel, but we are committed to maintaining the health and safety of all members and staff. We issue these guidelines to preserve a low crowd density and social distancing.

We want to thank all of you for doing a great job at our Monday and Thursday pickups with handwashing, wearing masks, maintaining distance, and following our other required practices.  Cooperating together, we will persevere.

1. If you are sick, have a cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, other symptoms common to COVID-19, or contact with someone Covid-19 positive, do not come to pick-your-own.
2. Pick-your-own (PYO) is closed during pickup.  All PYO is closed 12:00-8:00 pm on Mondays and 12:00-8:00 pm on Thursdays until further notice. You may come at any other time. We hope to resume a more regular PYO schedule later in the summer.

3. Wash your hands thoroughly before doing PYO.  Handwashing sinks and sanitizer stations are in place near the pole barn.

4. You are not required to wear a mask while harvesting PYO, if you can easily maintain more than a 6’ buffer between you and all others picking.  Please have a mask available to use when fields are crowded or areas around the buildings and parking lot have larger numbers of people.  You must still wear a mask for your regular Monday or Thursday pick-up.

5. PYO crop availability, quantities you may pick, and crop locations are posted on the chalkboard where you enter the pick-up shelter.  Please remember that if you share a share or split a share, you must divide your pick-your-own as well.

6. No pets.  Please leave your dogs and other furry friends at home.

7. No eating or drinking while gathering your produce.
8. Bring your own clippers or scissors for cutting flowers.
9.  Mind the electric fence. Make sure it is off when you begin picking, and please switch it on afterwards if nobody else is picking.  The control box is mounted on the building post to the right of the PYO chalkboard.  This does not apply to the flowers, which are planted outside of the fence.

As the number of crops available per week at pick-ups increases, we want to remind you to please send one person per share and encourage you to move quickly through the barn so we don't have multiple people waiting at one time. We miss talking to all of you, too, but we want to make the farm safe for everyone. 

Our complete guidelines for the pick-up procedures in place to maintain health and safety may be found here.  Please be sure all share partners have reviewed this information. 

Thank you for remaining flexible as we all navigate the summer share, and as always, thank you for your continued support.


Meet Our Seasonal Staff: Colin Swanson


Meet Our Seasonal Staff: Will Pearl