Reduce, Reuse, Recycle...and Upcycle, the ICF Way
Have you noticed the tubs we use to haul in the corn from the fields? We use them for many things (collecting compost materials from the wash station, hauling corn) but did you know they started out as olive barrels?
We get these olive barrels (sometimes pepperoncini barrels) from International Foods in Williston because they are a good size and shape, are flexible, and they take a beating. To upcycle, we cut them in half, add handles made from decommissioned climbing ropes from Petra Cliffs, and voila: a container we can drag along rather than carry. They are primarily for zucchini, summer squash, cucumbers, sweet corn, and head lettuce. But they also make great compost collectors and tubs for the trimming we do at the wash station.
We also reduce and reuse by shopping at Resource (the former Recycle North) for small tools, miscellaneous lumber for patching or small projects, even replacement doors.
Remember, bringing your own bags and baskets to pick-ups helps with our reducing and recycling efforts. We use no packaging for our produce and we collect plastic bags in a barrel near the check-in desk. If you really want to be stylish, purchase an ICF canvas bag for your weekly vegetable collection!