Summer Shares are Wrapping Up: Check Your Value and October Events
Week 19 Share Value Tally
Fall is here, the leaves are dropping, corn fields are being razed, pumpkins are in, cabbages are piling up, the sun is dropping, and the air is cooling. Even smells in the air are different.
And still, we have two more weeks of the 2019 Summer Share! We are in week 19 of our 21 week season and the produce selections continue to amaze. The early root veggies are in (daikon, red onions, celeriac, delicata, butternut and acorn squash) and yet we still are enjoying sweet peppers, chard, napa, salad mix, romaine, and the last of the luscious tomatoes. We’ve had a bountiful season….which translates into incredible share value for our members.
Week 10 Share Value Tally
What is “share value” and how does it impact members? In short, it’s a bigger bang for your buck. Each season we track retail pricing for products comparable to our offerings , as if you were going to an organic grocery in town and buying the same items and quantities you received at a pick-up. Each week this season we posted the value of that week’s share as well as the cumulative value of the share to date. For comparison, check out the share value at week 10. We catch up and get ahead as the summer marches on!
Even as we wind down summer (two pick-ups remain, all summer shares end October 24) we are gearing up for the start of our winter shares on October 31 (Group 1) and November 7 (Group 2.) Not signed up yet? We have room for you. Go here.
If you need more ways to enjoy the Intervale and our farm, in particular, don’t forget about the 8th Annual Harvest Run for Sustainability on October 13 and the City Market Crop Mob in our fields on October 19. The Run is your chance for a good stretch of the leg while the Crop Mob is a good way to get your hands dirty!
Don’t forget to fill out the 2019 Summer Share Survey and tell us what worked for you (or not.)
Remember, The Intervale Community Farm is your year-round source of healthy, local, organic food as well as a great outdoor destination in the heart of Burlington.