Wednesday, July 12 Flooding Update and CSA Status
Wednesday morning
Late Monday evening, July 10, the Winooski River began to flood Intervale Community Farm and adjacent farms. Floodwaters began to recede around 10:30am Wednesday morning. Virtually the entire farm was flooded.
Intervale Community Farm will cancel tomorrow’s 7/13 Thursday pickup, and the Monday 7/17 pickup. We will resume CSA distribution at the farm for Thursday members at Thursday pickup, 7/20.
Due to the valiant effort of ICF staff and 30-40 community volunteers on Monday, we harvested and stored thousands of pounds of produce for CSA distribution over the next few weeks. Our first tomatoes, carrots, beets, and sweet onions are on the way, along with many greens, cucumbers, zucchini and summer squash.
With the farm still under water, we are unable to provide a good picture of the remainder of summer CSA shares. The Intervale Community Farm Board and Staff will continue to evaluate and communicate with you over the next week or so as the overall impact becomes more clear. That said, it is likely that our summer season will be abbreviated somehow.
All the staff and board truly appreciate the support and encouragement we have received from all of you and the wider community. Expect further communications from us about future CSA pickups and how you can help if you are so inclined.