We're Open and We're Adapting
As you are no doubt aware, the COVID-19 outbreak is changing many aspects of daily life. Intervale Community Farm is no different, and we are making some changes to our operations to reduce threats to members and staff posed by the coronavirus. We remain open for business (for now) and expect to continue providing you food during this challenging time.
Our primary strategy to limit the spread of COVID-19 currently is reducing contact between and among ICF members and staff, and the approaches outlined here serve that objective. To that end, we have developed new procedures and guidelines for our winter pick-ups starting immediately. The full guidelines are listed here. In short, we are minimizing social interactions, pre-bagging all greens, and offering bagged shares for quick pick-up during regular hours.
As always, our collective safety is of paramount concern at ICF, and we believe that our plans reflect a safe and workable approach. Intervale Community Farm is looking to the Vermont Department of Health, the US Centers for Disease Control, and the UVM Extension and Vermont Agency of Agricultureโs Produce Safety programs for guidance in developing our best approaches to mitigating risk at ICF. The staff and board are working together closely to minimize any interruptions or difficulties to our farm and for our members.