And the Survey Says...
As each of our farm share seasons wind down we like to get member feedback on their experiences to help us plan for the future.
While we enjoy chatting with members at pick-ups, appreciate emails and phone calls with questions, it’s very useful to us to have group data in one place with survey results. We might have kept notes from a chat or email thread, it’s extremely beneficial to see a graphic presentation of collective opinions. Yes, we can graph survey results as well as see comments and trends.
What do we do with the collected information? We plan, we revise, we respond. For instance, this summer we changed the size of the tables at pick-ups in response to comments about crowding. You might not have noticed the change, but you may have had a more pleasant experience without knowing why! We also plan future crops and quantities, ramp up communication methods if necessary, change procedures.
Please take a few minutes and let us know about your experience this summer. We do read and use the information we gather from you! The survey is here or you’ll find a link in an email message.