Results: ICF Board Election
We changed things up this year!
Normally we celebrate the end of the summer share season by having our co-op annual meeting in early November. We also elect new board members for the 3 positions rotating each year (9 members of the board, 3 rotate annually) after we’ve filled up on dinner.
This year we moved the meeting to September, changed the time and location, and only discussed the election. We moved to an electronic ballot this year with the hope of involving more co-op members who might not have attended the meeting.
We’re very happy to report we had a nearly 50% response rate for our election! The board is very appreciative of the high member involvement in this new process.
We are happy to announce that Diane Abruzzini will be joining the board in January. Diane worked at ICF as an employee in 2009 & 2010. She soon went on to be a manager at Jericho Settlers Farm, run her own Beet Box Farm, and open the wood-fired, all-local bakery Mtn. Seasons. Her love of vegetables, people, and all things entrepreneurial sent her through the Sustainable MBA program at UVM. Diane has experience preparing and analyzing financial statements, harvesting kale (very quickly), executing marketing initiatives, driving tractors, grafting tomatoes and working with people.
We would also like to welcome Lis Mickenberg and Mark Twery back for another three year term.
Finally, we’d like to thank Robin Berger for her completed service as a board member.
Any co-op member in good standing may run for an open board seat. Not a co-op member yet? Sign up now!