Reminders: Winter Shares, Annual Meeting, Summer Survey

Winter Shares: we have a limited number of winter shares available. Pick-ups for Group 1 start November 2.  Contact Kathie as soon as possible or sign up here.

Our Annual Meeting is Saturday, November 4, starting 5:00. Details are below.

There is still time to fill out our summer survey on the season just completed.



Notice of Annual Meeting
(and our 24th annual celebration Potluck!)
Intervale Community Farm Cooperative
 5:00-7:30 pm, Saturday, 4 November 2017
Integrated Arts Academy/H.O. Wheeler Elementary School
6 Archibald St, Burlington

Annual Meeting Agenda
(Dinner at 5:00; meeting begins at 6:00 pm)

1. Welcome & Introductions
2. Consideration of proposed bylaws amendments increasing board membership from 7 to   9 and board terms from 2 to 3 years.  Full text can be viewed in the bylaws section.

3.  Board Elections
4. 2017 Slideshow
5. ICF’s new wash pack building

6. Open forum, etc

7. Adjourn 7:20

Intervale Community Farm is governed by a nine-member board of directors, elected to three-year terms by the members of Intervale Community Farm Cooperative.

If you are interested in serving on the Board of ICF, please contact Farm Manager Andy Jones via email, or phone, 658-2919 x4. Candidate nominations are due two weeks prior to the meeting, no later than October 21, 2017. All ICF CSA members are welcome and encouraged to attend, but only member-owners in good standing of an ICF Co-op share are permitted to run or vote for the board of directors. For ICF Co-op membership info, please call 658 2919x1 or visit our website to learn more.

Children’s activities will be available during the Annual Meeting portion of the evening.
Join us for an annual tradition and one of the best potlucks anywhere.
Last names beginning with:

A-F Please bring a dessert
G-S Please bring a main dish
T-Z Please bring a salad-like dish

ICF will provide some additional supper for those unable to or preferring not to
bring a potluck dish to the meeting.

Above all, bring something you love to do with ICF food!

Please label your potluck dishes and bring a serving utensil if
able. We will provide drinks, bread, and dishes/cups/flatware.


Summer Share Sign-up is Open!


Last Pick-up of Summer Shares: Musings