Summer Share Sign-up is Open!

We're excited to start our sign-up for summer shares a bit earlier than is the day!

As you know, in addition to managing our winter-spring shares and weekly pick-ups, we spend the winter months preparing for summer. Equipment is repaired or purchased, seeds are ordered after many hours of browsing colorful catalogs, greenhouse schedules are prepared, bio-fuel is ordered, potting soil is thawed....the list goes on. We also spend time reviewing our web page for improvements in how we share our information and we examine our administrative procedures for better ways to communicate with members.

While our summer share program is three times larger than our winter share program, we do fill up fast!  Thankfully, our members talk about their on-farm experiences with co-workers, friends, neighbors, and family and we have a regular influx of new faces. Keep sharing, but don't delay in signing up.

What happens after you sign up in January? If you pay in full by 2/15/18 you'll receive a small discount on your share. And you've helped with the farm's cash flow. We'll be sending regular news via our newsletter to keep you informed of greenhouse and field progress. You'll have a chance to sign up for our supplemental products closer to June. You'll hear about our annual plant sale in May. And you'll be able to share in the excitement of watching your food grow, from seed to table.

We are in our 29th summer this year. Each year gets bigger and better with the help of our members. So welcome back or welcome aboard...let's have fun together!


Cabbage…Any Way You Like It


Reminders: Winter Shares, Annual Meeting, Summer Survey